My Own Recipe – Metro Style in warm & contrasty tone

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After making a very satisfactory result with a so-called Natura 1600 recipe for X-Trans 4 CMOS sensor on my own, I decided to make another one that looks something like Kodak film, but again, with more unique and consistent style for myself. I love their warm, brownish tone, and I’d love to add extra contrasty to the images for my general snapshots. #MyStyle

I can’t get a cool name for this recipe yet, and if you have any good idea of it, please feel free to make comment below.

Here are the photos taken with my lovely X100V (JPEG SOOC, resized using MS Paint) using my recipe:

The X-Trans 4 recipe for making these images:

My X-Trans 4 recipe for a warm, contrasty tone

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