Let’s Try! Amazing, Unqiue Natura 1600 recipe for X-Trans III and IV!

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Read Time:2 Minute, 27 Second

I feel excited when I’ve created my first own recipe few weeks ago for my X100V (X-Trans IV processor), which works really really great to me on daily snapshots. I’ve also tweaked it into version 2.1 during the past weekend, and I love that so much. If you’ve missed the recipes so probably you don’t know what the “cooked images” look like, please refer my previous blog post here.

As these X-Trans IV recipes heavily rely on the Classic Negative film simulation, Chrome Color Effect Blue and Clarity settings, some other X-Trans III/IV camera owners feedback to me that they really wanna try my Natura 1600 recipes on theirs, but they do not have such settings available.

I really appreciate all of your positive feedbacks and nice words from my post in this FB group, I’ve been encouraged a lot and thus decided to challenge myself in making a X-Trans III version.

As X100V is the only camera I have for now after I sold all my previous Fujifilm cameras, so in order to make this nice recipe I was using my existing X-Trans IV RAW files for testing. I am not sure this makes any difference to the result using X-Trans III RAW files, however, I don’t believe that will be significant. Anyway, it’s worth to be noted and if you found great discrepancies from my images, please kindly leave me feedback in my blog.

With having side-by-side comparison between the images that applied with different X-Trans recipes, using Fujifilm X RAW Studio, finally I came up my first version of Natura 1600 recipe for X-Trans III (and even X-Trans II) processor. If you don’t know what your camera processor is, take a look here.

How’s the result?

The nice, smooth transition effect from the lovely blue to bright side became weaker in this X-Trans III recipe (when comparing with my original X-Trans IV recipe). The muted blue-ish tone, which mainly contributed by the strong Chrome Color Effect Blue, was missing due to the blue-ish effect was solely relying on the WB Shift tweaks now.

If you ask me whether it still looks like the actual Natura 1600 film, my answer is “I really don’t know”. What I can conclude is that this recipe could reproduce about 80-85% look and feel of the images created by X-Trans IV original recipe, and that is yet another great recipe that you should try by your own to feel it.

Here are the sample images created by this X-Trans III recipe. I’ve tried that on most of my previous images posted in the FB Group, so you could have a gut-feeling of the expected results:

Here you go, and please don’t forget to credit my blog if you would like to share the recipe with your friends. Thanks!


My Own Recipe – Natura 1600 ver. 2 for X-Trans IV

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Read Time:2 Minute, 9 Second

If you like my own Natura 1600 recipe, you’ll probably love this 2nd version. In this new version, I’ve tweaked them a lot so that it looks a lot better in both indoor and outdoor shots when comparing with the previous one. This recipe makes the image looks a little bit more greenish by using WB Shift, a lot stronger shadow and less sharpening. (Please also read the UPDATE note in the bottom of this article that I remarked on 2021.05.02)

I’ve tried few indoor shots using this recipe, and I am satisified with the result. I’ve also tried the built-in flash of my X100V to take some portraits during the sunset/low light environment. It really looks great as the images look like they were taken with my Natura Classica point-and-shoot camera in my old days. Kudos to the the classic negative film simulation! (I am not going to post any testing portraits here, as I don’t wanna put myself/my family photos here.)

Most of my previous Natura 1600 photos were taken with point-and-shoot cameras, so it is a little bit difficult for me to compare on the results of the sharpness & clarity. I still have 4 rolls in my fridge although they expired in Dec 2019. I am sure I will shoot with one of them using my Leica gears soon, which presumably the images could be as sharp as taken with X100V, for a more decent comparison. Anyway, because of the high ISO, that most probably could be taken in indoor/low light environment as my camera shutter speed is up to 1/1000s. Let’s see!

Here are the sample images taken with my X100V and BPM 1/8 [Note #1], all SOOC with auto-rotate using Snapseed:

Thank you for reading and your appreciation to my recipe. Here are the detail settings that you may want to try:


UPDATE (2021.05.02): If you want a warmer look of the image, you may try another WB SHIFT Tweak using R:-1, B:-6. I would say this tweak generates a more filmic image after I’ve tried applying it on same set of the images above.

Note #1: If you haven't heard about Diffusion Filter, like the one I'm using from Tiffen - Black Pro Mist, you may take a look from their website here and see how's the effect of their diffusion filters are. Again, it's not an adveristment and I've no affiliation with any company or organization. I built this website by my own.

My Own Recipe – Metro Style in warm & contrasty tone

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Read Time:39 Second

After making a very satisfactory result with a so-called Natura 1600 recipe for X-Trans 4 CMOS sensor on my own, I decided to make another one that looks something like Kodak film, but again, with more unique and consistent style for myself. I love their warm, brownish tone, and I’d love to add extra contrasty to the images for my general snapshots. #MyStyle

I can’t get a cool name for this recipe yet, and if you have any good idea of it, please feel free to make comment below.

Here are the photos taken with my lovely X100V (JPEG SOOC, resized using MS Paint) using my recipe:

The X-Trans 4 recipe for making these images:

My X-Trans 4 recipe for a warm, contrasty tone

My Own Recipe – Natura 1600 for X-Trans IV

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Read Time:2 Minute, 17 Second

I love the stock film Fujifilm Natura 1600 since I owned my first film camera of Natura Classica decade ago. I love Natura Classica definitely for its outlook, lightweight and the photos taken with it. I have had few rolls of Natura 1600 purchased with the help from my friend back to early 2020, after the announcement of its end of production. I don’t wanna use them but I really love the tone the film created that no other stock films coud satisfy me so far.

Sample of my Natura 1600 recipe, SOOC, taken with X100V

I got my X100V two weeks ago after struggling for weeks between GR III and X100V. I have tried so many existing recipes from Fuji X Weekly since then. Most of them work great honestly and among the choices there, Superia 800 is my top favourite at the moment.

Indeed, I prefer a recipe of one-for-all so I decided to create my own style, make my photos in a consistent look when I take with my X100V. As you may guess it, my first attempt was to create the one I love most – Natura 1600.

Having my X100V for just two weeks, I haven’t shot enough with Fujifilm X-Trans IV in RAW by myself. I even don’t have various shooting environments with the Natura films too, especially after its end. Nonetheless, I tried my best and I love this recipe so much even though I can’t tell whether it looks accurate as Natura 1600 film or not.

Few days ago, I had published few of my sample photos on 2 Facebook Groups, which one of them is called Fujifilm Film Simulation Group, and I’m so grateful that I’ve received so much positive feedbacks. That encourges me to make this article so people who love this recipe could come and take a look.

Now, I encourage all of you to shoot in diifferent shooting environments, kindly send me back your feedback and any improvement that I could further work on this recipe. Here are the gallery and the recipe of it. Again, all taken with X100V, JPEG SOOC, no edit but just resize 50% using MS Paint (yes, no professional tool). Thank you for visiting my blog, and hope you enjoy it.

Yeah I know, the recipe here:


Natura 1600 Films shot using Natura 1600 Simulation
My Natura 1600 Films in Fridge – Shot with this Natura 1600 Film Simulation

UPDATED: You may want to see some more photos of this recipe here: Another Gallery of My Natura 1600 Film Simulation

ANOTHER UPDATE (2021.05.01): You may also be interested in my 2nd version of this recipe, which could be found here: https://my.fujifilmrecipes.com/my-own-recipe-natura-1600-ver-2-for-x-trans-4/