Brownish, vintage-look recipe using Classic Chrome, inspired by the result of SilkyPIX Raw Converter!

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Read Time:1 Minute, 37 Second

While I’m still in love with my Natura 1600 recipe for most of my leisure photowalks, I’d love to keep exploring any other settings that could make my photos more creative. Personally, I prefer my photos to be saved in JPG SOOC as I am just a hobbist and don’t want to spend too much time in post-editing. I just want to express them in nice look & feel, rather than making them perfect for pixel peeking.

Having said that, I found myself recently addicted to post-editing on my Fujifilm RAW files using SilkyPIX RAW Converter, which is a free tool bundled with the Fujifilm camera with great features like batch conversion and native film simulation settings in more granularity.

After several trials on the SilkyPIX, I have to admit that I need to put more time in post-editing. The limited capabilities and granularity of the film simulation from the in-built camera may hinder the creativity and quality of the photos taken. They deserved to have better results when putting a little bit more time in post-editing. Again, my preference is to use minimal of my time to achieve the best available results.

Here are some samples photos, which first created by SilkyPIX, and later on I tried to create a Fujifilm film simulation recipe for leisure shooting with fun.

Left: Result from SILKYPIX, Right: Result from my recipe applied from Fujifilm XRS

Left: Result from SILKYPIX, Right: Result from my recipe applied from Fujifilm XRS

Left: Result from SILKYPIX, Right: Result from my recipe applied from Fujifilm XRS

Left: Result from SILKYPIX, Right: Result from my recipe applied from Fujifilm XRS

Here are my “old” photos taken recently with my X100V, applied with this new recipe:

The X-Trans III or IV recipe for making these images:

Recipe for Browish, Vintage-look using Classic Chrome


My Own Recipe – Metro Style in warm & contrasty tone

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Read Time:39 Second

After making a very satisfactory result with a so-called Natura 1600 recipe for X-Trans 4 CMOS sensor on my own, I decided to make another one that looks something like Kodak film, but again, with more unique and consistent style for myself. I love their warm, brownish tone, and I’d love to add extra contrasty to the images for my general snapshots. #MyStyle

I can’t get a cool name for this recipe yet, and if you have any good idea of it, please feel free to make comment below.

Here are the photos taken with my lovely X100V (JPEG SOOC, resized using MS Paint) using my recipe:

The X-Trans 4 recipe for making these images:

My X-Trans 4 recipe for a warm, contrasty tone

My Own Recipe – Natura 1600 for X-Trans IV

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Read Time:2 Minute, 17 Second

I love the stock film Fujifilm Natura 1600 since I owned my first film camera of Natura Classica decade ago. I love Natura Classica definitely for its outlook, lightweight and the photos taken with it. I have had few rolls of Natura 1600 purchased with the help from my friend back to early 2020, after the announcement of its end of production. I don’t wanna use them but I really love the tone the film created that no other stock films coud satisfy me so far.

Sample of my Natura 1600 recipe, SOOC, taken with X100V

I got my X100V two weeks ago after struggling for weeks between GR III and X100V. I have tried so many existing recipes from Fuji X Weekly since then. Most of them work great honestly and among the choices there, Superia 800 is my top favourite at the moment.

Indeed, I prefer a recipe of one-for-all so I decided to create my own style, make my photos in a consistent look when I take with my X100V. As you may guess it, my first attempt was to create the one I love most – Natura 1600.

Having my X100V for just two weeks, I haven’t shot enough with Fujifilm X-Trans IV in RAW by myself. I even don’t have various shooting environments with the Natura films too, especially after its end. Nonetheless, I tried my best and I love this recipe so much even though I can’t tell whether it looks accurate as Natura 1600 film or not.

Few days ago, I had published few of my sample photos on 2 Facebook Groups, which one of them is called Fujifilm Film Simulation Group, and I’m so grateful that I’ve received so much positive feedbacks. That encourges me to make this article so people who love this recipe could come and take a look.

Now, I encourage all of you to shoot in diifferent shooting environments, kindly send me back your feedback and any improvement that I could further work on this recipe. Here are the gallery and the recipe of it. Again, all taken with X100V, JPEG SOOC, no edit but just resize 50% using MS Paint (yes, no professional tool). Thank you for visiting my blog, and hope you enjoy it.

Yeah I know, the recipe here:


Natura 1600 Films shot using Natura 1600 Simulation
My Natura 1600 Films in Fridge – Shot with this Natura 1600 Film Simulation

UPDATED: You may want to see some more photos of this recipe here: Another Gallery of My Natura 1600 Film Simulation

ANOTHER UPDATE (2021.05.01): You may also be interested in my 2nd version of this recipe, which could be found here: